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  • viedmooda
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4 years 4 weeks ago #341 by viedmooda
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How long can you wait to have radiation after surgery? Post- surgical radiotherapy is designed to destroy remaining cancer cells following the removal of a localized breast tumour. Punglia said four to six weeks after surgery is widely viewed as a safe interval for beginning radiotherapy.
What is the best treatment of breast cancer? How Is Breast Cancer Treated? Surgery. An operation where doctors cut out cancer tissue. Chemotherapy. Using special medicines to shrink or kill the cancer cells. Hormonal therapy. Blocks cancer cells from getting the hormones they need to grow. Biological therapy. Radiation therapy.
How long is chemo for her2 positive? HER2 -directed therapy is usually given over a longer period of months than chemotherapy. Herceptin alone is usually continued after chemotherapy has finished, every three weeks for a total of one year.
What drug do you take after breast cancer? Uses: Tamoxifen, used to treat men and both premenopausal and postmenopausal women, typically is used to: reduce the risk of early-stage, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer coming back after surgery and other treatments. shrink large, hormone-receptor-positive breast cancers before surgery.
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