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4 years 4 weeks ago #343 by viedmooda
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What is stressed out belly? The Stress, Belly Fat, and Diabetes Connection. That feeling of stress that we all know – the heart racing, hands shaking, fast breathing, is caused by a rush of hormones that are meant to protect us when we sense danger. It's the "fight-or-flight" response that allows us to run away from something that can harm us.
Can you still ovulate during menopause? Menopause. During perimenopause, your periods may seem to have stopped, but then they start up again. Once you 've reached menopause, your LH and FSH levels remain high and your estrogen and progesterone levels remain low. You no longer ovulate and you cannot conceive a child.
What is the best treatment for menopause? Treatments may include: Hormone therapy. Estrogen therapy is the most effective treatment option for relieving menopausal hot flashes. Vaginal estrogen. Low-dose antidepressants. Gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, others). Clonidine (Catapres, Kapvay, others). Medications to prevent or treat osteoporosis.
Does chemotherapy cause permanent damage? A commonly used chemotherapy drug causes healthy brain cells to die off long after treatment has ended and may be one of the underlying biological causes of the cognitive side effects – or " chemo brain " – that many cancer patients experience. That is the conclusion of a study published today in the Journal of Biology.
The ad refers to the freshman's time as a lawyer two decades ago when he defended hardened criminals and is designed to boost GOP hopeful Brendan Doherty. Formerly the head of the state police, Doherty is making his first run for office. Grandfather-of-six Brian Harvey, 69, was admitted to Bristol Royal endometrin Infirmary in late March with what was thought to be pneumonia, but tests soon revealed he had caught Covid-19. University of Edinburgh researchers said eight out of 10 coronavirus deaths in Scotland could have been prevented if the measures were brought in on March 9 instead of March 23 (shown). In isolation, Ive begun to recognize the entertainment value in making the biggest deal over the smallest thing. Some researchers hope a decades-old technology might get its moment and be deployed in stores, restaurants and schools. An improvised tennis court above the endometrin streets of Italy, a Tom Brady sighting and one-liners on Twitter. Heres your day of (no) sports. Term hormone replacement relief long.

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